Setsi sa Lihlahisoa

SY-2198 Hydraulic oil filter element bakeng sa KUBOTA 163/165/185 excavator

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

QS NO.:SY-2198









Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa

Likarolo tsa Sesefa sa Hydraulic:

1.Re sebelisa thepa ea sefahla ea botebo e tsoang kantle ho naha, sebopeho sa pore se tapered, sefahla sa gradient, se ka thibela granule ho feta, ho lelefatsa bophelo ba ts'ebeletso.

2.Re sebelisa lisebelisoa tsa ts'ehetso ea theknoloji e phahameng. Lisebelisoa tsa ts'ehetso ea theknoloji e phahameng e ke ke ea bapala karolo ea sefahla sa tšehetso feela, thepa le ho qoba deformation e hatellang, empa hape e sireletsa thepa hore e se ke ea senyeha nakong ea ts'ebetso.

3.Re boetse re sebelisa mabanta a khethehileng a ho phuthela a spiral, kahoo likarolo tsa thar filter li ka kopanngoa ka thata.Stationary pleated distance e tiisa hore ho phalla ha junifomo ha mokelikeli o kenella ka har'a filthara.

Fokotsa litšenyehelo tsa tlhahiso ea likarolo tsa hydraulic filter, ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea ho sefa le ho lelefatsa bophelo ba ts'ebeletso

Sesebelisoa sa hydraulic filter bakeng sa filthara se kenyelletsa cap cap, tube e bohareng, origami le li-strip strips, origami e hlophisitsoe pakeng tsa tube e bohareng le clip strip, cap cap e kenyelletsa sekoaelo se ka holimo le sekoaelo se ka tlase. sekoahelo le sekoahelo se ka tlase Likoahelo li kopantsoe ke origami, lehlakore le ka ntle la origami le fanoa ka lesela la clamping, origami le tube e bohareng ke cylindrical, 'me tataiso ea axial ea tube e bohareng e tšoana le ea origami le hydraulic filter element. Mofuta ona oa hydraulic filter element o nka pampiri ea hydraulic filter bakeng sa origami. Sesebelisoa sa sefahla sa pampiri se na le ts'ebetso e phahameng ea ho hloekisa, bophelo bo bolelele ba ts'ebeletso le theko e tlase ho feta ntho ea ceramic filter, e fokotsang litšenyehelo tsa tlhahiso ea hydraulic filter element, e ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea ho hloekisa ea hydraulic filter element le ho lelefatsa bophelo ba tšebeletso ea hydraulic filter element. , e lokeloang ke phahamiso.

Fokotsa litšenyehelo tsa tlhahiso ea lintho tsa hydraulic filter


Li-filter tsa hydraulic li sebelisoa lits'ebetsong tsa hydraulic ho sefa litšila tsa likaroloana le litšila tsa rabara ka har'a sistimi, ho netefatsa bohloeki ba sistimi ea hydraulic, ho sireletsa likarolo tse ikhethileng tsamaisong ea hydraulic, le ho kengoa kaholimo ho likarolo tse lokelang ho sireletsoa. pipeline ea khatello e mahareng , e le ho sefa likaroloana tse tiileng le lintho tsa colloidal sebakeng se sebetsang, ho laola ka katleho tekanyo ea tšilafalo ea mochine o sebetsang, le ho etsa hore likarolo li sebetse ka mokhoa o tloaelehileng. Lisebelisoa tsa hajoale tsa hydraulic filter 'marakeng li na le mathata a latelang:


1. Theko ea tlhahiso e holimo;


2. Bophelo bo khutšoanyane ba tšebeletso;


3. Phello ea ho sefa ha e ntle 'me ha ho bonolo ho e nkela sebaka;


4. Ponahalo ha e ntle ka ho lekaneng.


Bakeng sa ho rarolla mathata a tekheniki a kaholimo, ho fanoa ka litharollo tse latelang tsa tekheniki:


Karolo ea hydraulic filter e sebelisoang bakeng sa sefe e kenyelletsa cap cap, tube e bohareng, origami le li-clip strips. The origami e hlophisitsoe pakeng tsa tube e bohareng le sekotwana sa clip. Sekoahelo sa ho qetela se kenyelletsa cap cap e ka holimo le cap cap e tlaase. Tse peli li kopantsoe ke origami, lehlakoreng le ka ntle la origami le fanoa ka lesela la clamping, origami le tube e bohareng ke cylindrical, 'me tataiso ea axial ea tube e bohareng e tšoana le tataiso ea axial ea origami le hydraulic. setho sa sefe.


Khokahano pakeng tsa li-caps tse ka holimo le tse ka tlaase le origami e fanoa ka sekhomaretsi se nang le karolo e le 'ngoe ea ho phekola, li-caps tse ka holimo le tse ka tlaase li hlophisitsoe ka selikalikoe,' me sekoahelo se ka holimo se fanoa ka concentric e bulehileng e nang le cap cap e holimo. , 'me boholo ba eona bo tšoana le ba sefahleho sa ho qetela sa tube e bohareng.


The tube e bohareng, sekoahelo se ka holimo le sekoahelo se ka tlaase kaofela li entsoe ka tšepe ea electrolytic galvanized.


The origami e entsoe ka thepa ea pampiri ea hydraulic filter, 'me sebaka se phuthoang haufi le selikalikoe sa origami se lokela ho ajoa ka ho lekana.


Likotwana li entsoe ka likhoele tsa tšepe tsa electroplated, 'me likotoana li hlophisitsoe ka hare.


The central tube densely le ka mokhoa o tšoanang ho fanoa ka ka masoba.


Liphello tse molemo tse ka finyelloang ke: hydraulic filter element e sebelisetsoang ho hloekisa e ka ntlafatsa ka katleho karolo ea hydraulic filter ka origami e fanoeng ka lehlakoreng le ka ntle la tube e bohareng pakeng tsa sekoahelo se ka holimo le sekoahelo se ka tlaase, le origami. e entsoe ka thepa ea pampiri ea hydraulic filter. Ts'ebetso e phahameng ea ho sefa, litšenyehelo tse tlase le ho nkela sebaka habonolo. Ka ho sebelisa lisebelisoa tsa tšepe tsa electrolytic bakeng sa sekoaelo se ka holimo, sekoahelo se ka tlaase le phala e bohareng, ho hanyetsa acid, ho hanyetsa mafome le ho hanyetsa ha kutu ea karolo ea hydraulic filter ho ka ntlafatsoa ka katleho, 'me ts'ebetso ea hydraulic filter element e ka ba nako e telele. E na le bophelo bo bolelele ba ts'ebeletso ebile e na le ponahalo e ntle. Likarolo tse pakeng tsa sekoahelo se ka holimo le sekoahelo se ka tlaase le sekoahelo sa origami se fanoa ka sekhomaretsi se nang le karolo e le 'ngoe, se nang le khanyetso e matla ea ho senya. Sekotwana se entsoe ka tšepe ea tšepe ea electroplated. Thepa e na le melemo ea ho hanyetsa kutu, ho hanyetsa ho senyeha ha mebala, ho se chefo, ho qhibiliha habonolo, bonolo, sebaka se tlaase sa ho qhibiliha le ductility e ntle, e ka lelefatsang bophelo ba tšebeletso.

Tlhaloso ea Sehlahisoa

QS NO. SY-2198
TS'OANE KUBOTA163/165/185

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